Sunday, December 25, 2011

Creepy Vocabulary: middle-of-the-road

Today's word of the day is
middle-of-the-road - describes a person, organization, opinion or type of entertainment that is not extreme and is acceptable to or liked by most people

e.g. Vladislav was a mediocrity. So one day, just to make a difference, he started killing people. His first kill was very original - he decapitated his ex-girlfriend with a scythe. His second kill, however, was middle-of-the-road.

Question of the day:
Do you think you are a mediocrity and do everything in the middle-of-the-road fashion? Would you start killing people ... just to make a difference?

( Для русскоговорящих пэциков и герлушек: )

mediocrity - 1) посредственность; заурядность 2) заурядный человек, бездарность, посредственность
middle-of-the-road - 1) умеренный, неэкстремистский (о взглядах, политических партиях) - middle-of-the-road parties 2) обычный, заурядный, ничем не выдающийся (о человеке) 3) попсовый, рассчитанный на большую аудиторию; посредственный (о музыке)

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