Thursday, January 5, 2012

Creepy Vocabulary: flay

The word flay has 3 meanings. Which meaning of the word 'flay' does the example illustrate?

The Flay Game

Which meaning of the word 'flay' does the example illustrate?

E.g. Volodya was a quiet boy who never messed with naughty brats in the neighborhood. But he had, just like all of us do, his guilty pleasure. When his father brought prostitutes to their home and then flayed them in the basement, Volodya liked watching him do it. Then he gathered small bits of the skin his father didn't use in his diet and put it in his lunch box. At school when all naughty children were having their lunch, the quiet Volodya was sitting in one of the corners with a peaceful smile on his face.

Question: Now that it is obvious what Volodya's father's guilty pleasure was, what is your guilty pleasure? Are you anything like him?

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