Thursday, January 5, 2012

Creepy Vocabulary: fling

fling - 1 a short and not very serious sexual relationship
             2 a short period of time during which you enjoy yourself without worrying about anything:

E.g. Taming a feral animal can be very dangerous. Many a lion-tamer have fallen victim to the 'object' of their work. But Vladislav was an exception to the rule. He was an outstanding tamer and a performer and loved Leo, the lion he worked with. The cat's love was reciprocal.
    However, it is also true that you shouldn't have love affairs (=romances) at your workplace. As soon as Vladislav's assistant, his wife, got wind of his fling with the juggler's son, she sawed off his head and fed it to Leo. The animal died a week later ... allegedly of food poisoning.

Question: Have you ever had a fling with a colleague at work? (Of course not) How about a janitor? Are you still in a sort of relationship with this person? Alternatively, have you ever lost your pet to ... cancer?

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